

Love God.

Live the Eucharist.

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Mass Schedule

weekend mass




8:30 & 10:30AM

Daily Mass

Tuesday:  6:00PM

Wednesday:  11:00AM

Thursday:  11:00AM *

Friday:  8:30AM

*2nd Thursday of the Month at Elim Home, Princeton.

Christ OUr Light-North

804 7th Ave. S., Princeton, MN 55371

Phone:  763-389-2115

Email:  davidb@christourlightmn.org


Monday-Thursday: 9:00AM – 3:00PM

Friday: 9:00AM – Noon

Future site

Early Summer 2025

11700 293rd Ave. NW, Princeton, MN 55371

Our Mission statement
Love God. Live the Eucharist.


Grow. Go.

Enrich Your Faith with Our Ministries

Fish Fry Fridays

Fridays, March 7–April 11 | 4:30-7PM | Christ Our Light (St. Ed's Hall)

Enjoy a delicious meal with Dine-In and Take-Out options available. Details and pricing are included in the online calendar listing.

Also Offered:

Individual Reconciliation | 5–5:30PM

(No Reconciliation on March 28)

Stations of the Cross with Benediction | 5:30PM

Gather in faith, fellowship, and great food—see you there!

Parish Calendar

Tax Time Parish Payout Raffle


Tax Time Parish Payout is back, awarding $15,000 in cash prizes throughout the year—including four chances to win $1,000! Tickets are just $10 each, and parishioners received packets of ten in the mail.

Need more? Additional tickets are available to sign out, sell, or purchase. These make great gifts for Easter baskets, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day! Get your tickets in by April 6 for your chance to win. Best of luck, and thank you for your support!

Lent Reconciliation Service

As we journey through Lent, take time for prayer, reflection, and renewal through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Thursday, April 3

6:30 PM

Christ Our Light Catholic Parish

Visiting priests will be present to assist Fr. Kevin with individual confessions, and spiritual direction will also be offered. This is a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s mercy and grace as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

All are welcome!


We are glad you are here.

Connect with us online or at our parish events – you're warmly invited! We're thrilled you're interested in joining our community! Click below to complete the registration form. Seeking spiritual guidance, eager to help, or searching for a community? We're here for your and welcome you to our faith community!

Parishioner Registration

Dave & Michele Leom

"We chose Christ Our Light because we choose God in good times, struggles, and the spaces in between. We appreciate how our parish goes out of its way to welcome and include others. We are all God’s children, and he loves us unconditionally, even on our worst days and seasons. We believe church is a family of faith with space for others who are messy and trying to figure it out."

Dave & Michele Leom

"We chose Christ Our Light because we choose God in good times, struggles, and the spaces in between. We appreciate how our parish goes out of its way to welcome and include others. We are all God’s children, and he loves us unconditionally, even on our worst days and seasons. We believe church is a family of faith with space for others who are messy and trying to figure it out."

Dave & Michele Leom

"We chose Christ Our Light because we choose God in good times, struggles, and the spaces in between. We appreciate how our parish goes out of its way to welcome and include others. We are all God’s children, and he loves us unconditionally, even on our worst days and seasons. We believe church is a family of faith with space for others who are messy and trying to figure it out."

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